Websites and Apps

Mobile friendly airport websites report
With 60% to 80% of airport website traffic coming from people using smartphones, there has never been a more urgent time than now for airports to embrace mobile friendly web design. To find out how airports are faring I’ve again compared 100 global airports on how mobile friendly their websites are (in short: is their […]

The website mistake 33% of airports are making that drives travellers nuts
Back in 2012, roughly 15-20% of airport website traffic was coming from smartphones and tablets. In 2013 I watched it move to around 25%. Now it’s well over 50%. That’s no surprise, people pull out their phone when they travel, not their PC. “It’s one thing to be mobile friendly, but it’s another to be […]

What makes a great airport website
It’s easy to forget how much preparation is needed before we embark on a trip. A journey from the hotel to the airport can sometimes be as time consuming as the flight itself. When travellers are uncertain about something they will turn to the website of their departure and arrival airports for help. Here lies […]

Five things the new Virgin America website does better than other airlines
Virgin America’s new website is unlike any other airline website in that it focuses nearly every pixel on helping the customer book a flight. The homepage is clean, contemporary and contains no unnecessary information or distractions (goodbye credit card deals!). It’s a joy to use and the goal is clear: ‘Let me help you book a flight’.

Qantas reaches further into customer journey with new iPhone app
Qantas has updated their iOS app (Android coming soon) with a sleek new design and integration with Google Maps to advise customers when they should head to the airport and the best route to do so.

An app to beat jetlag
This app looks like something that might be worth trying on your next overseas flight: Entrain is designed to monitor your body’s circadian clock using your smartphone and help you adjust faster to new time zones and schedules.